Hillsborough County
4-H Youth Foundation
Memorial Scholarship

The Hillsborough County 4-H Youth Foundation Memorial Scholarship is a $1000 academic scholarship offered annually in memory of previous board members or supporters of the Hillsborough County 4-H Youth Foundation. This scholarship is open to Hillsborough County 4-H members actively pursuing higher education at a college, university or technical school.

Application Deadline: June 1 of each year

Foundation Memorial Scholarship Guidelines

One scholarship will be awarded for the Foundation Memorial Scholarship each year as determined by the Grants & Scholarships Committee. A candidate may only be awarded this scholarship once. If there are no eligible applicants in a given year, the scholarship will be carried over to the following year.

Conditions & Qualifications

High School Seniors will be considered for this scholarship, and they must be currently enrolled in a Hillsborough County 4-H Club. Applicants who are Hillsborough County 4-H Alumni must be currently enrolled in an accredited college or technical school at the time the application is submitted.

Applicants must have been enrolled for at least two (2) years in the Hillsborough County 4-H program and should have actively participated and exhibited their 4-H project in the county, area, or state competitions. Applicants should have volunteered in 4-H community service projects; highly preferred are Foundation fundraisers such as the Strawberry U-Pick.

Funds awarded will be used toward further education at an accredited college, university or technical school upon receipt of proof of enrollment. Money will be paid directly to the school and must be used within two years of the date awarded. Requests for scholarship extensions will be determined at the discretion of the Grants & Scholarships Committee.

What We Need

1. Personal Resume: a 1-3 page resume that illustrates your career skills and accomplishments.

2. Narrative Essay: attach a 1-2 page narrative statement. Be sure to be as specific as possible. Use proper grammar and do not use slang. Judges will evaluate your documents thoroughly and completely, with the same level of scrutiny as an employer.

Your essay should explain how the 4-H program has prepared you for your future, and it should include at least two (2) topics from the list below:

  • How have you benefited from 4-H?
  • What skills have you learned in 4-H? How will they benefit you in the future?
  • Select an experience in which you were part of a group and explain your contributions to the group effort.
  • How will you share your experiences in 4-H?
  • What impact will you be able to make as a result of your 4-H Experience?

3. At least two Scholarship Candidate Reference Forms from individuals that have in-depth knowledge of your participation in 4-H or other activities. Two letters of recommendation. Recommendation letter forms are available on the website. Download Reference Form

Hillsborough County 4-H Youth Foundation Memorial Scholarship Application

Are you currently in 4-H?(Required)

Section I: 4-H Project Summary

Major Project Accomplishments: List all major achievements throughout your years in 4-H. Indicate the level of the achievement with the appropriate letter: Local (L); County (C); District (D); State (S); Regional (R); National(N).

Section II: Citizenship and Leadership in 4-H

IIA: List 4-H offices and leadership experiences (teaching, committees, etc.). Indicate year and level of participation with the appropriate letter: Local (L); County (C); District (D); State (S); Regional (R); National (N)

IIB: List your citizenship and community service participation in 4-H. Indicate your level of participation with: (Y) performed yourself; (G) gave primary leadership to the group; or (M) member of the group.

Section III: List other experiences related to your project

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        Application DEADLINE: May 1, 2023. Tentative Interview Date for finalist: May 13, 2023. Tentative Scholarships to be awarded: June 10, 2023

        Scholarship recipients are required to email a scholarship appreciation letter with photos to the Grants & Scholarships Committee within six (6) months of receiving a scholarship.

        If you have questions about the grant guidelines or application, please contact Grants & Scholarship Committee Chair at,
        [email protected] or call Jemy Hinton at (813)478-6630.